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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

The relationship between marketing control mechanisms and firm performance

Published: May 28, 2019


Paola Ortiz-Rendón, Institución Universitaria Esumer; Luz Montoya Restrepo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; José Munuera-Alemán, Universidad de Murcia


Marketing control; Marketing performance; Firm performance


Marketing professionals and academics face the challenge of showing how marketing costs affect shareholder value. According to literature, marketing control mechanisms affect organizational results, making them a component of marketing performance. However, there is little or no empirical evidence to support that claim, which is why the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between marketing control mechanisms and the marketing process. In particular, the paper focuses on the relationship between the strategic decision-making process with financial and organizational results. The paper based on 201 cross-sectional surveys involving managers of Colombian companies, using PLS-SEM in order to verify the proposed hypotheses. The results show that there is a relationship between marketing control mechanisms and strategic decisions and that it has a significant impact on organizational results.